


Mail Catur Pramono Adi(1*)
Mail Asep Suryana(2)

(1) Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Karawang, Indonesia
(2) Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Karawang, 
(*) Corresponding Author
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Identification of technological needs is carried out in capture fisheries, aquaculture, fishery product processing, marine and other technologies related to business needs in accordance with the developed fishery structure. In this marine and fisheries adaptive technology training activity, 71 KP research technologies were provided as a focus group discussion (FGD) material to be selected as the main material based on the needs of users in the location. Based on filling out the questionnaire, the 71 technologies offered are quite in line with the needs of the community, although in general they do not provide greater benefits at the time of application, although they are less aligned because when the technology is applied, the benefits will increase. can overcome limiting factors, do not utilize existing resources, are also considered less affordable by the user's financial capacity, and when applied are less simple. Furthermore, if based on the questionnaires and the results of the FGD in Sukamandi, the KP technology chosen is more towards cultivation technology and processing technology. Technology for aquaculture, especially for freshwater fish commodities but also for marine fish commodities, and technologies that are interesting for further study related to catfish nursery and mass production of Pasupati catfish larvae; and for processing technology, especially for fresh water fish pindang processing technology.

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