


Mail Yosephine Laura Raynardia Esti Nugrahini(1*)
Mail Widitya Tri Nugraha(2)
Mail M. Abdul Lathief Zain(3)

(1) Universitas Tidar, 
(2) Akademi Militer, Magelang, 
(3) Akademi Militer, Magelang, 
(*) Corresponding Author
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The Food Production Division (Propang) of AKMIL is one of the departments under the management of the Military Academy (AKMIL) of Magelang which supports the nutritional needs in the form of food for the cadets, one of it is cow's milk. The type of dairy cattle kept at Propang Akmil is the Peranakan Frisian Holstein (PFH) breed. In the maintenance of dairy cattle requires good management, one of it is recording. This community service program (PkM) is expected to be a solution for Propang AKMIL in managing the maintenance of dairy cattle in it and increasing cooperation between UNTIDAR and AKMIL in the context of livestock utilization. Management through this recording is expected to also educate Propang managers in managing dairy cattle, as well as assisting AKMIL leaders in determining development directions and policies for Propang management, especially in the dairy sector. This recording program is expected to be a role model for similar farms in the Magelang area. The method used in this service is carried out in several steps: 1. Surveys and visits to determine data needs, 2. Creating a recording system application with Microsoft Access, 3. Socializing the use of the system and 4. Filling in the recording database. The service program that has been carried out by introducing/introducing dairy farm managers in Propang. The application used is Microsoft Access. The data recording used is data for dairy cows. The recording system made by the service team is enough to help partners to input the livestock database. The disadvantage of the database created is that it is only limited to independent data which is difficult to access based on livestock code.

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Universitas Tidar
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Magelang Utara, Jawa Tengah 56116