
Interaksi Sosial Akun @urrofi dengan Gaya Self-Promotion sebagai Manajeman Kesan


Mail Muhammad Syahroni(1)
Mail Swita Amallia Hapsari(2*)

(1) Dian Nuswantoro Universtity, Indonesia
(2) Dian Nuswantoro University, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author
10.31002/jkkm.v6i2.6598| Abstract views : 0 | PDF views : 0


 Nowadays, social media has become the most popular digital tool. Instagram obtained the second rank for the most favourite application in Indonesia. Furthermore, influencers, professionals and everyone in various circles optimize their social media. Urrofi, as professional videographer, operates and maximizes his Instagram to get the social interaction from the followers by maintaining impression management. The researchers use a descriptive qualitative approach with social interaction theory. The result of this study showed that to operate his Instagram @urrofi apply social interaction such as suggestion, identification, and sympathy. Moreover, he displays many contents about his competence and the performance as partially of his self-promotion to maintain the impression management.


Keywords: Instagram, impression management, self-promotion, social interaction


Komunikasi, Media Baru

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31002/jkkm.v6i2.6598

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