
State Border Governance: Participatory of Local Communities (Case Study: Timor Leste – Indonesia Border)


Mail Joau Muni(1*)

(1) Doktoral Ilmu Administrasi Publik, MAP-FISIPOL, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author
10.31002/lh.v3i1.1346| Abstract views : 203 | PDF views : 0


The participatory governance of Timor Leste-Indonesia land border as the voice of the local community cannot be separated from the concept of State Border Governance. The arrangement of the border region between the two countries is impossible to be separated from the arrangement of agreements involving the two countries. Various interests and problems that arise in the border region and along the boundary line always have a relationship of interests with the region across the boundary line that separates the two. The problem of managing the border area was initially only one of the sensitive issues related to defense and politics, mainly related to the continuation of bilateral cooperation or tensions between the two countries that had a border area that intersected. But now, these problems have developed into multilateral to international problems. Border governance must pay attention to the voices of the local community and also the various social-social organizations that exist, especially regarding how people want to connect with their relatives "across" there. The typical culture of the people in the border region also refers to the "local context". A borderline usually cuts randomly the same linguistic, custom, religious, socio-economic background, cultural identity and historical background. This study uses a qualitative method of policy analysis with a case study. The focus of the analysis is on the relationship of "State Border Governance to pay attention to the Participation of Local Communities" in the land border area of Timor Leste - Indonesia. The results of this analysis can contribute to the development of public administration science, especially governance as a reference framework for the implementation of border area management strategies.


Governance; State Border; Local Community Participation

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31002/lh.v3i1.1346

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