


Mail Puji Lestariningrum(1)
Mail Orcid Esteria Priyanti(2*)

(1) Akademi Kesejahteraan Sosial Ibu Kartini Semarang, Indonesia
(2) Akademi Kesejahteraan Sosial Ibu Kartini Semarang, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author
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This reseacrh has purpose to know the recipe development of lontar cake, bavarois pudding, and choco truffle with additon of banana, and also to know preference level to these three products. Methods used in this research are experimental method and hedonic test. These three products exhibited in Gelar Karya Mahasiswa AKS Ibu Kartini Semarang in 2020 at Atrium Java Mall Semarang. 100 visitors requested to taste and give evaluation to these three products. This research provide the inovation recipe from lontar cake, bavarois pudding, and choco truffle. The recipe development of lontar cake as follows: the ingredients of pastry need 200 g flour, 100 g margarine and 1 egg. The ingredients of filling need 300 g sweetened condensed milk, 250 ml water, 200 g sugar, 100 g banana, 5 egg yolks and 2 teaspoon vanilla. The recipe development of bavarois pudding need 600 ml water, 200 g sugar, 150 ml full cream milk, 90 g banana, 15 g agar, 3 egg whites and 2 drops food coloring. The recipe development of of choco truffle need 250 g dark cooking chocolate, 100 g banana, 100 g biscuits, 98 g margarine, and 25 g springkle. Result of hedonic test to these three products are 87% visitors prefer to lontar cake product, 90% visitors prefer bavarois pudding product, and 95% visitors prefer choco truffle product. Therefore, it can be concluded that these all three product are liked and acceptable by public/ people.


banana; lontar cake; bavarois pudding; choco truffle

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