


Mail Andri Sulistyani(1*)

(1) Riau University, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author
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Muara Takus Temples Area is the only cultural heritage buildings destination and has a history that is closely related to the civilization of the Srivijaya Period. This temples complex is located in District XIII Koto Kampar, Kampar Regency, Riau Province, for about 80 km from Pekanbaru.The proximity of its location and ease of accessibility are giving the  advantages in supporting tourist arrivals. However, these superioritiesare still categorizedas not fully being optimalized, as other holy templessuch as Borobudur, Prambanan, and other temples on Java and Bali. This study aims to explore the potent of Muara Takus as the center of heritage destination, and combining those potential to residetnt nerby perpective on it in order to: 1) identifying the tourism resources contained therein; and 2) provide recommendations for the development of ethno-heritage tourism in the region. This research is using descriptive qualitative. method . The data were taken by doing observation, interview, documentation. Results of the study show that the potential forms of ethno-heritage tourism found in the Muara Takus Temples area are including: 1) cultural heritage buildings inside the temple complex; 2) cultural diversity of the community around the temples area; and 2) the potential for religious tourism practicesinside the area. Further, this research provides recommendations to build a tourism village that involves the surrounding population by optimizing theirbelonging traditions as a combination of ethno-heritage tourism, without ignoring the traditions of the local community and being able to accommodate another religious traditions related to the physical building of the temples.


ethno-heritage tourism, muara takus

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