
Kajian Keselamatan Jalan Ruas Dekso - Klangon Kabupaten Kulon Progo


Mail Aziz Nur Fathoni(1*)
Mail Evi Puspitasari(2)
Mail Ria Miftakhul Jannah(3)

(1) Tidar University, Indonesia
(2) , Indonesia
(3) , Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author
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The Dekso Klangon road section connects Kawasan Strategis Pariwisata Nasional (KSPN) Borobudur and Yogyakarta International Airport Kulon Progo Regency. This study aims to analysing the accident rate, determining the blackspot area and analysing road safety. Accident data is used to determine the accident rate and the blackspot, which are determined with the EAN method. In the safety study road, it is used the Pd-17-2005-B guidelines, which is involved geometry standard, sign markings, road complementary buildings, road surface conditions and road lighting conditions.The accident data analysis showed that the highest accident rate occurred in 2021 at the location of the STA 2+100 - STA 3+100. The blackspot locations are 4 road segments, at STA 2+100 - 3+100, 5+100 - 6+100, 9+100 - 10+100 and 10+100 to 11+100. In the study of road safety, the average suitability of the geometric is 49%, the average suitability of signs and markings is 88%, the average suitability of road complementary buildings is 47%, the average suitability of road surface conditions is 82% and the average suitability of road lighting conditions for each road segment is 85%. Recommendations for road safety are road widening, relocation of road complementary buildings and road surface repairs..

Keywod : Accident rate, EAN, Road safety


Accident rate, EAN, Road safety

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e-ISSN : 2747-1217