
Application of The Temperature Shock Method (Heat Shock) on Pearl Oyster (Pinctada maxima) Hatcheries


Mail Lusiana BR Ritonga(1*)

(1) Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sidoarjo, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author
10.31002/jade.v5i1.5666| Abstract views : 0 | PDF views : 0


The low production and quality of pearls produced from the cultivation process, one of which is
caused by the less than optimal quality of pearl oysters. Spawning is a determining factor in hatchery
activities. Therefore, in an effort to increase production, it requires strategies and improvements in
the pearl oyster spawning process. This study aims to apply the temperature shock method as an effort
to increase productivity and success rate of pearl oyster hatchery. The results of observations on
gonad maturity in pearl oyster broodstock obtained data from a total of 200 broods consisting of 135
male broods and 75 female brooders aged 3.5 years, the percentage of perfectly gonadally mature
broodstock was 11.85% and 12%, respectively a total of 25 individuals. The results of spawning pearl
oyster broodstock through the temperature shock method of a total of 18 broods observed were 12
brooders or 66.7% which spawned perfectly. The results of the observation of the spawning process of
pearl oyster broodstock showed that from 8 female broodstock ± 90,000,000 eggs were obtained with
a hatching rate of 70% with a spat harvest of ± 1,575,000 individuals or 2.5% of the total hatched
larvae final yield.


spawning, temperature shock, pearl oyster

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31002/jade.v5i1.5666

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