P-ISSN: 2598-2915 E-ISSN: 2598-2907
Journal of Livestock Science and Production (JaLSPro) published online twice a year on March and September by Animal Science Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Tidar encompasses a broad range of research topics in animal sciences:
- Production
- Reproduction and physiology
- Feed and nutrition
- Livestock product and technology
- Breeding and genetics
- Health
- Biotechnology
- Socio-economic
- Policy
- Agrostology
Accepted papers will be freely accessed in this website and the following abstracting and indexing databases:
Vol 8, No 2 (2024): Journal of Livestock Science and Production
Table of Contents
Ardian Yonika Putro, Resti Yuliana Rahmawati, Agustina Widyasworo
Dicky Ahmad Hezmawan, Nita Opi Ari Kustina, Agustina W. K
Esa Cahya Putra, Alfan Setya Winurdana, Edya Moelia Moeis
Panji Danu Asmara, Risma Novel Esti, Resti Yuliana Rahmawati
Widianto Aji Lusiyo, Alfan Setya Winurda, Edya Moelia Moeis