


Mail Herlina Adelina(1*)
Mail Catur Pramono Adi(2)
Mail Anasri Anasri(3)
Mail Roberto Patar Pasaribu(4)
Mail Anthon Anthony Djari(5)
Mail Aris Kabul Pranoto(6)
Mail Roni Sewiko(7)
Mail Waluyo Waluyo(8)

(1) Karawang Marine and Fisheries Polytechnic, Indonesia
(2) , 
(3) , 
(4) , 
(5) , 
(6) , 
(7) , 
(8) , Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author
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This community service activity aims to support the tourism object development program from Tambak Sari Village, Tirtajaya District as a tourist destination that is integrated with beach tourism. Increase awareness of coastal communities on the importance of the role of mangrove forests for coastal areas. This activity is a form of community service from the Marine Engineering Study Program, KP Karawang Polytechnic. Community service is the third dharma of the Tridharma of Higher Education. The existence of community service is actually very important both for university managers as well as for the existence of these universities in the community. Community service with the title "DEVELOPMENT OF MARINE TOURISM OBJECTS IN TIRTAJAYA DISTRICT KARAWANG DISTRICT” has been implemented at Sarakan Beach, Tambak Sari Village, Tirtajaya District, Karawang Regency, West Java. Attended by the participants of the Conservation Community Group (POKMASI) of Tambak Sari Village. The method of community service is carried out by counseling and direct practice in the field. The community service program planned by the lecturers of the Marine Engineering Study Program, KP Karawang Polytechnic can be carried out well. This happened because of good cooperation and supported by the Director of the Polytechnic KP Karawang. Head of Tambak Sari Village and Head of Conservation Society Group.

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Daftar Pustaka

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