


Mail Varadila Permata Putri Prastowo(1*)
Mail Nadia Qisthina Putri(2)

(1) London School of Public Relations, Indonesia
(2) London School of Public Relations, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author
10.31002/jkkm.v3i2.1990| Abstract views : 89 | PDF views : 0


Mass Media can  be used to spread ideology in a wide and effective range. In fact,
cartoon film can also be a tool to disseminate feminist value through women's representation
when carrying out their gender roles. Feminism is a movement and ideology that stands up to
rights and equality between a man and woman in politics, economics, culture, or even in
public and domestic sphere. Public sphere and domestic sphere are examples from gender
role by modern women who have feminist values According to the focus of this research,
which is the character of Lucy in Despicable Me 3, her character is reflecting a gender role
in public and domestic sphere. This research uses descriptive method with semiotic analysis
by Pierce. Semiotics used is semiotics Peirce by looking at representamen consisting of icons,
indexes, and symbols in each scene that presents the value of liberal feminism on the Lucy’s
character. The study concludes that there are three gender roles performed by Lucy's
character as a career woman, wife, and also a mother. In running every gender role she has
the value of liberal feminism.


Despicable Me 3, cartoon film, character film, liberal feminism, semiotic peirce

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31002/jkkm.v3i2.1990

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