Journal of Public Administration and Local Governance

Journal of Public Administration and Local Governance (JPALG), managed and publish by the Public Administration Department, Social and Political Science Faculty, Universitas Tidar with registered number 2614-4433  (print) and 2614-4441 (online). This journal regularly publishes twice a year in April and December.

JPALG publishes the public administration and local governance theory papers from a number of disciplines, including good governance, e-government, collaborative public management, organizational behavior and theory, public service, strategic management, smart city/smart village and sustainable development.

Journal of Public Administration and Local Governance (JPALG) has been accredited by SINTA 5 in accordance with the Decree of the Director General of Research and Technology Strengthening, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of Indonesia, Number 23/E/KPT/2019, dated August 8, 2019 till re accreditation.


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New Website


Starting from Volume 8 (2) 2024, Journal of Public Administration and Local Governance moves to the new website. All listed manuscripts in articles in press 2024 will be published on the new website

New submission please go to

Posted: 2024-05-15
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