


Mail Oktafia Mega Wulandari(1)
Mail Orcid Esteria Priyanti(2*)

(1) Akademi Kesejahteraan Sosial Ibu Kartini Semarang, Indonesia
(2) Akademi Kesejahteraan Sosial Ibu Kartini Semarang, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author
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Aim of this research are: 1) knowing recipe of pie, mille crepes, and lasagna modified by addition of jackfruit; 2) knowing the people preference level to the product of pie, mille crepes, and lasagna modified by addition of jackfruit. Methods used in this research are experimental method and hedonic test of taste, flavor, texture and color of these 3 products. This research produce recipe of pie modification as follow: the ingredients of pie pastry need 275 g flour, 125 g margarine, 75 g butter, 50 g icing sugar, 2 eggs and 30 g milk powder. The ingredients of pie filling need 300 g sweetened condensed milk, 250 ml water, 200 g sugar, 100 g jackfruit jam, 5 egg yolks and 2 tablespoon vanilla. Recipe of mille crepes modification as follow: the ingredients of crepes need 250 ml milk, 140 g flour, 4 tablespoon sugar, 3 egg, 2 tablespoon matcha powder and 2 tablespoon butter. The ingredients of crepes filling need 200 g whipping cream, 100 g jackfruit jam, 100 ml cold water and 50 g sweetened condensed milk. Recipe of lasagna modification as follow: the ingredients of lasagna noodles need 12 slices noodles. The ingredients of lasagna filling need 250 g jackfruit, 250 ml milk, 150 g cheddar cheese 150 g parmesan cheese, 150 g mozarella cheese, and 1 tablespoon flour. Result of hedonic test found that 86% people prefer pie product, 84% to mille crepes, and 92% to lasagna product. It concludes that these 3 products are public accepted.


jackfruit, pie, mille crepes, lasagna

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