
Mendeskripsi Peran Konteks Pragmatik: Menuju Perspektif Cyberpragmatics


Mail Google Scholar Kunjana Rahardi(1*)

(1) Universitas Sanata Dharma, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author
10.31002/transformatika.v3i2.2333| Abstract views : 37 | PDF views : 0


This research focuses on the role of the pragmatic context in determining the purpose of speech on social media. This study describes the role of the pragmatic context in determining the purpose of speech in pragmatics with a cyber perspective. The object of this research was the role of the pragmatic context in the perspective of cyber pragmatics. This study's data were the utterances in which the object of the research object was contained in the role of the pragmatic context. The source of this research data substantively was the texts in which contained utterances containing the role of context. As a locational data source, this research uses social media in particular Twitter and Instagram to be reached around the time of this research. Data in the form of speeches that contain the role of the context were collected by applying the listen method. The technique used in the framework of applying the method of referencing was the free engage involved as a basic technique and the recording technique and note technique as a follow-up technique. The analytical method employed was the distributional analysis method. The technique used in applying the distribution method was the technique for the direct element. The extralinguistics dimensions of this research were analyzed by applying the contextual or equivalent methods, especially in extra lingual. The results showed four roles of the pragmatic context, namely: (1) aligning the substance of speech; (2) confirms the substance of speech; (3) clarifying the substance of speech; (4) the background of the speech intention.


pragmatic context; cyber pragmatics; the role of context

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31002/transformatika.v3i2.2333

DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.31002/transformatika.v3i2.2333.g1398

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