


Mail Ristiyani Ristiyani(1*)
Mail Muhammad Noor Ahsin(2)

(1) , 
(2) , 
(*) Corresponding Author
10.31002/transformatika.v1i2.518| Abstract views : 319 | PDF views : 0


This study aims to (1) describe the validity of language-based booklets for the interaction of homeless children street nursing in shelter homes; (2) to explain the response of street children and carers to the use of language-based books for the interaction of homeless children street nursing in shelter homes; and (3) explain the homeless children understanding of courtesy in the interaction of language nurturing.

This research is Reseacrh and Development research with research step adopted from Borg and Gall with modification. The first step includes preliminary studies, theoretical studies, and needs analysis. The second step is to do product development. The third step is to test or validate the product developed to the expert. The final step includes a limited and extensive product trial. Language booklets for homeless Children language interaction in shelter homes will be validated by three validators, psychologists, resource specialists and linguists. Assessment is done by using the materials assessment sheet according to BSNP. A limited-scale trial was conducted on 13 homeless children with the aim of obtaining some suggestions on language-based booklets for homeless children street social interaction in shelter homes.

The validation results of the three validators showed the Scores of 137, 128, and 143 of the total score of 160, so that the results of the assessment were included in eligible and reasonable criteria. The result of t-test shows that the value of t-count 2,395> t-table 1,994. This means that there is a significant difference in mean score of pretest post-test improvement of experimental group and control group. Street children and caregivers also responded positively to the use of language-based booklets for homeless children in shelter homes.

Keywords: Teaching Material Books, Courtesy, Parenting, Homeless Children, Shelter   

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31002/transformatika.v1i2.518

DOI (Full Text (pdf)): https://doi.org/10.31002/transformatika.v1i2.518.g420

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