
Strategi Retorika Verbal dan Nonverbal Karni Ilyas dalam Acara Indonesia Lawyers Club


Mail Ayu Linda Wulandari(1*)

(1) Universitas Bakti Indonesia, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author
10.31002/transformatika.v2i2.877| Abstract views : 647 | PDF views : 0


Karni Ilyas rhetorical strategy that astounds with the technique of persuasion through Indonesia Lawyers Club (ILC) serves impressions about the information in the form of event/occurrence law succeeded in attracting the attention of the community. This research aims to interpret the usage of rhetoric functions of verbal and nonverbal emcee ILC as a strategy of rhetoric. The design and type of research use descriptive analytics. This research was conducted comprehensively refers to the analysis of the rhetoric of verbal and nonverbal. Based on the results and discussion of the rhetoric of oral, nonverbal, obtained ILC events regarding the use of the rhetoric of verbal and nonverbal strategies as a presenter with the techniques of persuasion. Type of diction, diction in denotative, connotative, special, public, scientific, accessible, and the style of language used have a strategy that could affect listeners. The various elements of the selected non-verbal rhetoric serve to launch the process of policy within the host changes the listener. Therefore, an absolute necessity in communicating art an emcee who wanted to deliver a message delivered through the rhetoric form of speech (verbal) and rhetoric form of body language (nonverbal).


rhetoric strategy; verbal rhetoric; nonverbal rhetoric; Karni Ilyas; Indonesia Lawyers Club (ILC)

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31002/transformatika.v2i2.877

DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.31002/transformatika.v2i2.877.g797

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