
Prophetic Rhetoric Values in Political Election Campaign Discourse


Mail Fahrudin Eko Hardiyanto(1*)

(1) Pekalongan University, 
(*) Corresponding Author
10.31002/transformatika.v2i1.542| Abstract views : 436 | PDF views : 0


Pilkada 2015 which took place in 21 regencies and cities in Central Java worth to be examined in terms of the use of political advertising embodied in the form of banners/billboards. The role and whereabouts of political advertising will help determine the public support of the candidates. This study aims to reveal the values of prophetic rhetoric on political discourse pilkada in 2015 in Central Java. Methods and techniques of data collection in this study is a method refer to the technique of free libat captive, recording techniques, and record techniques. Three stages of analysis used in this study, namely data reduction, data presentation, and description of conclusions and verification. To answer the questions and needs of the research, the researcher analyzed the research data in the form of banners and baliho pilkada 2015 in Central Java through observation technique and refers to the note that existed in the discourse fragment of advertisement which is supposed to be a statement which is the values of discourse of prophetic rhetoric. Based on the results of analysis on the political election advertising discourse concluded that there are various prophetic rhetoric which is the embodiment of the main values humanist, liberative, and transcendent.


prophetic rhetorical values; political advertisement; political discourse

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31002/transformatika.v2i1.542

DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.31002/transformatika.v2i1.542.g499

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